MAPG maintains a position of neutrality on gambling and recognizes that most people who gamble suffer no problems or negative effects.

Professional training for our organizational members within the gaming industry include:

  1. In-person responsible gaming and problem gambling annual employee training
  2. Drafting, auditing, and implementing responsible gaming and problem gambling policies and procedures
  3. Developing effective self-exclusion programs

If you are interested in joining MAPG or obtaining professional training services, a membership application can be accessed by Clicking Here. You may also donate to MAPG to support our efforts in making training, education, support, and referral sources available to people who may discover that gambling is becoming harmful to themselves or their loved ones.

Previous Member Trainings and Presentations

Herriff,J., & Witri, P. (May 2011, March 2012). Gun Lake Casino Supervisors Training, Wayland, MI.

Herriff, J., & Page-Wood, M. (May 2013, May 2014). Gun Lake Casino Supervisors Training, Wayland, MI.

Herriff, J., & Witri, P. (January 2010). FireKeepers Supervisors Training, Battle Creek, MI.

Herriff, J. (January 2011). Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe Behavior Health, Hunter Genia Mental Health Clinical Director Staff,Mount Pleasant, MI.

Herriff, J.  (January 2011). Central Michigan University Counseling Center Staff, Understanding Problem Gambling and Treatment for University Students, Mount Pleasant MI.

Herriff, J. ( March 2011, August 2011, February 2012, March 2013, October 2013, March 2014). Dr. Mark Minelli’s Community Health and Behavioral Health Classes at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant MI.

Ledgerwood, D.M. (July 2014). What about level of care? How do we decide where to send problem gamblers for treatment. Paper for the National Council on Problem Gambling annual conference, Orlando, FL.

Ledgerwood, D.M., & Arfken, C.L. (June 2014). ASAM treatment Placement criteria for gambling disorder. Poster presentation for the 76th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, PR.

Ledgerwood, D.M. (March 2014). Betting on the brain: Neurobiology of gambling disorder. Invited workshop for the Sixth Michigan Symposium on Problem Gambling, Dearborn, MI.

Loree, J. (November, 2013). Problem Gambling Basics. Holt Kiwanis Club, Holt, MI.

Loree, J. & Brown, R. (October, 2013). Pathological Gambling, the Hidden Addiction. Michigan State University, Casino Management Class East Lansing, MI.

Loree, J. (October, 2013). Pathological Gambling, Treating the Hidden Addiction. Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, State Bar of MI, East Lansing, MI.

Ledgerwood, D.M. (September 2013). Gambling disorder: Clinical characteristics and treatment considerations. Invited presentation for the Michigan Psychiatric Society Scientific Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.

Ledgerwood, D.M., Knezevic, B., White, R., Khatib, D., Petry, N.M., & Diwadkar, V.A. (June 2013). Monetary delay discounting in a behavioral addiction sample: An fMRI pilot study. Poster accepted for presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.

Loree, J. (Summer, 2013). Problem Gambling Treatment Basics. Okemos Kiwanis Club, Okemos, MI.

Loree, J. (SUMMER, 2013). Problem Gambling Treatment Basics. East Lansing Kiwanis Club, East Lansing, MI.

Ostojic, D., Khayyat-Abuaita, U., & Ledgerwood, D.M. (July 2013). Treatment barriers among pathological gamblers. Poster accepted for presentation at the National Counsel for Problem Gambling Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ledgerwood, D.M., Knezevic, B., White, R., Khatib, D., Petry, N.M., & Diwadkar, V.A. (May 2013). Fronto-limbic responses in pathological gambling: A marker of emotional stress associated with monetary choice behavior. Poster accepted for presentation at the Society of Biological Psychiatry conference, San Francisco, CA.

Khayyat-Abuaita, U., Ostojic, D., & Ledgerwood, D.M. (April 2013). Treatment barriers identified among gambling help-line callers. Poster presented at the Alberta Gambling Research Institute Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta.

Ledgerwood, D.M. (April 2013). Enhancing the effectiveness and reach of evidence based treatments for gambling disorders. Invited presentation for the Alberta Gambling Research Institute Conference, Banff, AB.

Ledgerwood, D.M., Dowling, N., & Stewart, S. (April, 2013). Lessons learned in conducting trials including recruitment, follow-up, protocol integrity and choice of control groups. Invited Panel Presentation for the Alberta Gambling Research Institute Conference, Banff, AB.

Loree, J. (OCTOBER 2012). Pathological Gambling, the Hidden Addiction. Michigan State University, Casino Management Class, East Lansing, MI.

Loree, J. (April, 2012). Problem Gambling Treatment Basics. Swanson Center for Indiana University, Michigan City, IN.

Loree, J. (March, 2012).  Warning Signs of Teen Problem Gambling. Hope Borbas Okemos Library, Okemos, MI.